2023 Information coming soon
Email your
question to
Old Event Location Crowne Plaza
accepting application. |
You can finance
your entire competition through
fundraising , if you chose to.
To find outsend email to
support@maryjay.org Wish you the best! |
Friends, Family |
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quantity after clicking on
Buy Now.
Click update if you change the
quantity to get correct charges.
thanks |
You are also
invited |
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quantity after clicking on
Buy Now.
Click update if you change the
quantity to get correct charges.
thanks |
Front Row Seat and Pageant
Souvenirs |
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quantity after clicking on
Buy Now.
Click update if you change the
quantity to get correct charges.
thanks |
quality American stretchy
sizes |
Now $19.00
$35.00 |
Links Library and National Pageant
To go straight to National competition
click here
To apply
for state pageant
click here
To see
state pageant date in your area
click here
http://www.mjrradio.org will also
take you to radio page
International Movie
channel is on
http://www.maryjay.org(click on
"Watch movie"). More and new movie
all state winners are delegates and all
delegates are contestants. Crown
and Sash/Medal is given to you for your PR to raise awareness
for your passion
and gain
and publicity for your winning hour.
Web page is designed for your call to
family, friends, businesses to support
your mission and pageant. Brochure
will be sent to you to distribute for
fundraising and access to all
fundraising items will be provided to
you upon your making payment . This is a rare opportunity
for showbiz interest.
Beside the prizes, you will get
recognition of a lifetime as we continue
to build an organization that will live
through many generations.
See you
at the top where the lights are
BRIGHTLY shining on you:
check out this link to make sure your
web page information is correct.
Ms. National
News: Make it your Home Page.... Radio
like no other:
www.mjrradio.org Listen
to Hit Songs all day long. Our
Video streaming development is
Headlines for Perfect and Excellent
Health. Our National Winners will
the opportunity to talk on the radio
after they have been crowned and
constantly updating the world about
health, safety and education development. State winner/delegate will be able to send
recorded voice and video to Broadcast on
the radio/TV at MaryJay Radio.
Team |